Scott Rodgerson 0Ufhwzynz3w Unsplash (1)


Explore the gospel by series.

Matt Hoffman 104894 Unsplash


'Adoption' is a key gospel word that we need to understand. What does the Bible teach about it?

  1. Becoming Part of God's Family

  2. The Proving of God's Sons

Ryan Loughlin 765211 Unsplash


Baptism is a subject that has been vigorously debated over many centuries. The Bible alone can give us clarity on the subject.

  1. What is Baptism

  2. Who Should be Baptised?

  3. How and When is Baptism Performed?

Eris Setiawan 154629 Unsplash

Big Question: How can I be saved?

Sinners need salvation from God's righteous judgement. But how?

  1. How Can I Be Saved? (Part 1)

  2. How Can I Be Saved? (Part 2)

Compass in palm of hand - Aron Visuals 320023 Unsplash 1

Big Question: Jesus The Only Way?

The Bible teaches that the way to a relationship with God comes only through the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. Is Jesus The Only Way? (Part 1)

  2. Is Jesus The Only Way? (Part 2)

Deniz D 1477635 Unsplash

Big Question: What Does It Mean To Be Born Again

You may have heard Christians describe themselves as 'born again'. What do they mean?

  1. What Does It Mean To Be Born Again? (Part 1)

  2. What Does It Mean To Be Born Again? (Part 2)

  3. What Does It Mean To Be Born Again? (Part 3)

Zach Lucero 802489 Unsplash

Big Question: Why is Christianity Unique?

People are often left confused about which religion, if any, is the right path to follow. Is there something unique about Christianity?

  1. What Makes Christ a Unique Person?

  2. What Makes the Death of Christ Unique?

  3. What Makes the Life of Christ Unique?

Alexey Tyranov. Moses' Mother

Build the Basket

This four-part series is based on the story of Moses found in Exodus 1-2, as well as Hebrews 11:23-29. These passages provide context and background to the articles.

  1. Defy the King

  2. Build the Basket

  3. Float the Boat

  4. Make the Choice

Jeremy Yap 199223 Unsplash

Christian Disciplines: Prayer

Why is prayer so important in the Christian life?

  1. Confession in Prayer

  2. Adoration in Prayer

  3. Thanksgiving in Prayer

Aaron Burden 300807 Unsplash

Christian Disciplines: The Bible

In the Christian life there are a number of healthy spiritual habits we all need to cultivate: reading of Bible is one of the most important.

  1. Reading the Bible

  2. Memorising the Bible

  3. Studying the Bible

Daniel Morton Jqgnrryov58 Unsplash

Church Membership

There is a tendency today for Christians to float between churches. Is this good or bad, important or irrelevant?

  1. Should I be a Member of a Church? (Part 1)

  2. Should I be a Member of a Church? (Part 2)

Mohamad Babayan 50C3jvdukae Unsplash

Church: Leadership

What does the Bible teach about Church Leadership?

  1. Church Leadership (Part 1)

  2. Church Leadership (Part 2)

  3. Church Leadership (Part 3)

Lord's supper

Church: The Lord's Supper

What is the Lord's Supper and what is its place in the church?

  1. Early Days

  2. In Remembrance of Me

Bruno Martins Dpz6ea6ziag Unsplash

Explore the Names of Jesus

In this short series we will consider whether Jesus lived up to His ancient names.

  1. What A Name

  2. Wonderful

  3. Counsellor

  4. Mighty God

  5. Everlasting Father

  6. Prince of Peace

Akshay Paatil 492176 Unsplash

God and the Gospel

Let's think about the goodness and love of God to humanity.

  1. What is Grace?

  2. What Grace Does for Sinners

  3. What Grace Does for Believers

Donald Giannatti 671274 Unsplash

God: Has Science Buried God?

One of those notions that has become so imbedded in the sub-conscious of our culture is that science has buried God. Is that true?

  1. Has Science Buried God? (Part 1)

  2. Has Science Buried God? (Part 2)

Yuri Bodrikhin 541304 Unsplash

God's Wrath

Ironically, it angers many people to hear about a God who is angry! But are they right to be angry? Let's explore the Bible's teaching about the wrath of God.

  1. God's Wrath is Just, not Unjust

  2. God's Wrath is Discriminating, not Indiscriminate

  3. God's Wrath is Real, not Mythological

  4. God's Wrath is Reluctantly, not Rashly Dispensed

  5. God's Wrath is Eternal, not Temporary

  6. God's Wrath and the Cross

Priscilla Du Preez M4l8nzmuvvs Unsplash

Has God Spoken?

The Bible is a collection of sixty-six books. Christians believe that no less and no more than these sixty-six books are the Word of God. How can we be sure we have got the right ones?

  1. Has God Spoken? (Part 1)

  2. Has God Spoken? (Part 2)

John Tecuceanu Qwdwd4fmceq Unsplash


What does the Bible have to say about Hospitality?

  1. Chaos and Contentment

  2. Welcome To My Home (I Wish You Hadn't Come)

  3. Men ... or Angels?

Marc Olivier Jodoin 277947 Unsplash

How is Jesus a Substitute for Sinners?

'Substitution' is a key gospel word that we need to understand. What does the Bible teach about it?

  1. Substitution Explained

  2. Substitution Illustrated

Phil Thep 424532 Unsplash

How is Jesus the Redeemer of Sinners?

Redemption is an important gospel theme that runs right through the Bible. And at the centre of it is Christ the Redeemer.

  1. The Reality of a Redeemer

  2. The Price of Redemption

  3. The Purpose of Redemption

Joshua Wordel Nolaai1d95g Unsplash


Whether young or old, setting out in life or reflecting over years of experience, the question “who am I?” can still trouble the soul.

  1. Who am I?

  2. Who am I? – Beginning at the Beginning

  3. Who am I? Learn about God – Learn about me

Joshua Earle 234850 Unsplash

Is Jesus a Real man?

Was Jesus Christ a myth or a man – a real, historical man? And if he was truly God, does that mean he wasn't quite a true man?

  1. A Real Man, But More than Just a Man

  2. Truly God, yet Truly Man

Eran Menashri 246198 Unsplash

Is Jesus God?

What does the Old Testament and New Testament teach about the deity of Jesus Christ? Was he truly God?

  1. The Deity of Christ in the Old Testament

  2. The Deity of Christ in the Gospels

  3. The Deity of Christ in the Epistles

Chuttersnap 331504 Unsplash

Is the Bible Reliable?

The Bible is the bestselling book in history. But can we trust it?

  1. Can I Trust the Bible?

Aaron Burden 625206 Unsplash

Is the Bible Still Relevant?

Is the Bible an ancient, out-of-date book that we can set aside, or is it still relevant to our lives in the 21st Century?

  1. Importance of the Bible

  2. The Relevance of the Bible to our Modern World

  3. The Relevance of the Bible to our Deepest Need

Davide Cantelli 143765 Unsplash

Is there a God?

What evidence is there for God's existence? Let's take a look at a number of realities that point to God.

  1. The Cosmos Points to God

  2. Morality Points to God

  3. Jesus Christ Points to God

Kyryll Ushakov 1237177 Unsplash


'Justification' is a key gospel word that we need to understand. What does the Bible teach about it?

  1. The Guilty Who Need Justified

  2. The Judge Who Justifies

  3. The Free Gift of Justification

Pile of books - Morgan Harper Nichols 157838 Unsplash 1

Life Issues: Education

Education is vitally important. We would all do well to consider what we are learning, as well as our responsibility to teach the upcoming generation.

  1. The Importance of Education

  2. The Key to Education

  3. Learning from Creation

  4. The Danger of Education

  5. The Bible - The Ultimate Textbook

  6. The Parent's Role - How to Teach

  7. The Parent's Role - What to Teach

David Beale Gosggt4olns Unsplash 2

Lines from well-known Christmas carols

Christmas carols contain some of the richest language in all of Christian hymnology . . .

  1. O Come All Ye Faithful

  2. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

  3. Joy to the World

Gilles Lambert 8649 Unsplash

Living in the Media Age

The gospel offers us peace, hope and truth in an increasingly media-saturated age.

  1. Anxiety

  2. Acceptance

  3. Idolatry

  4. Time

  5. Image

  6. Truth

  7. Friendship

Aida L 6Y5iysr Uxc Unsplash

Only Christ Can Set Us Free

A closer look at the freedom that Christ offers sinners.

  1. My Chains are Gone

  2. Freedom from the Fetters of Fear

  3. Pilate's Missed Opportunity

  4. The Breaking Of An Iron Will



'Propitiation' is a key gospel word that we need to understand. What does the Bible teach about it?

  1. What Does Propitiation Mean?

  2. What Does Propitiation Mean to Me?

Daniel Sandvik 624387 Unsplash


'Sacrifice' is a key gospel word that we need to understand. What does the Bible teach about it?

  1. Understanding Sacrifice

  2. The Ultimate Sacrifice

James Coleman Akc B2x Lc Unsplash

Spiritual Disciplines

We are not merely to wait for godliness; we are to pursue it. We are to be disciplined as we strive towards that goal.

  1. Discipline for Godliness

  2. Daily Bible Reading

  3. Daily Prayer

  4. Discipline of Time

  5. The Discipline of Gathering

  6. Pursuing Purity

  7. The Discipline of Evangelism

  8. The Discipline of Body Building

Siora Photography M40oedrsgci Unsplash

The Five Solas

The five solas of the Reformation include Scripture alone, Christ alone, faith alone, grace alone, and glory to God alone.

  1. Grace Alone

  2. Faith Alone

  3. Christ Alone

  4. Scripture Alone

  5. To the Glory of God Alone

Tyler Reynolds 1161921 Unsplash (1)

Understanding Faith

'Faith' is a key gospel word that we need to understand. What does the Bible teach about it?

  1. Faith in the God of Creation

  2. Faith in the God of Righteousness

  3. Faith in the God of Salvation

Alicia Quan 1530451 Unsplash

Understanding Salvation

'Salvation' is a key gospel word that we need to understand. What does the Bible teach about it?

  1. The Need for Salvation

  2. The Nearness of Salvation

  3. Personal Salvation

  4. The Rescue Plan

Bruno Van Der Kraan 596107 Unsplash

Understanding The Resurrection

A vital part of the story of Jesus Christ is his 'resurrection'. But did he really rise from the dead, and why does it matter?

  1. The Eyewitnesses of the Resurrection

  2. The Evidence for the Resurrection

Greyson Joralemon 171172 Unsplash

What is the Incarnation of Jesus?

A vital part of the story of Jesus Christ is his 'incarnation'. But what does it mean and why does it matter?

  1. The Incarnation: What it Means

  2. The Incarnation: Is it Myth and Does it Matter?

Casey Horner 1168115 Unsplash

Who is God?

What does the Bible reveal about our Creator? Let's explore the attributes of God.

  1. God is Holy

  2. Holy, Holy, Holy

  3. Good But Not Safe