It has been said that the most important thing in life is knowing the most important things in life. If you were given a piece of paper right now and had to write a MOST IMPORTANT THINGS IN MY LIFE list, what would you write?
You may write something like this.
The most important things in my life are:
- Family
- Friends
- Hobbies
- Career
- Being happy
- Security
- Money
- Stuff
These are all great things that bring so much pleasure and happiness; but the primary question is this: which is the MOST important? What comes FIRST?
Those without God in their lives would probably say family or friends. People always trump jobs and hobbies. Relationships are what really matter over stuff. But who doesn’t want happiness and security? And a good career and money provide this. So they are important too.
But this verse is telling us in the most direct terms to make God and His kingdom the most important thing in life. That is, seek the things of God as a priority over the things of the world.
Does this mean all other things are so unimportant you can just neglect them? Not at all. But it does mean that a Christian will have a different attitude towards them. The believer makes God and His business the number one priority – enjoying His salvation, living in obedience to Him, sharing the good news with others, and making decisions in line with His word. He will take care of all other things so that they fall into their proper place.
So if you wrote down any of the list above – such matters are important, but they are not number one. The most important thing in your life must be God and His kingdom.
No professing Christian would ever admit that God was not first in his or her life. But what does your life actually say?
This series on priorities will help you see what it looks like to ‘seek first the kingdom of God’ in everyday life, and help you test whether God is first for you.