Learning from Creation

This world has an abundant variety of plants and animals. Whether we consider forests or plains, mountains or oceans, we are struck by the intricacy and complexity of these ecosystems where all live in finely tuned balance. If we turn our gaze upward, we are overwhelmed by the vastness of the universe, and marvel that our little planet has such ideal conditions allowing life to thrive.

Learning from Creation
"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands. Day after day they pour out speech; night after night they communicate knowledge."
Psalm 19 1-2

In the verse above, the poet reminds us that nature points to God. The stars and galaxies show us His glory and greatness, while the size of the universe tells us something of His infinite power. We learn of His supreme, orderly intelligence in the laws of nature on which this universe is built. Every day and night the sky proclaims how great the Creator is.

Many think science and faith are mutually exclusive, but the Bible teaches that nature in its entirety is the work of God the Creator: "All things were created by him and for him" (Colossians 1:16). Rather than opposing God, science is proof of God. The intricacy of our bodies alone provides sufficient evidence that we have a Creator. He is the reason we see such beauty, complexity, and order all around us. The whole planet is brimming with wonderful examples of God’s ingenious creativity

Yet it is possible to look and not see. The next time you go for a walk, look up at the sky. Listen to the birds. Feel the wind. Remember who first designed it, created it and constantly upholds it by the power of His word. Then consider yourself, and what you owe your Creator.

The more we study nature the more we will see God’s fingerprints in everything around us. The ultimate result should be that we come to faith in Him, discovering that not only is He a great Creator, He is a good Father.