What Next?

Our world is changing rapidly. While change is a fact of life, when it happens unexpectedly, it often brings unwelcome uncertainty.

What Next?

COVID-19 has forced significant changes on us causing uncertainty across every area of life. Restrictions on social and family contact, job losses, economic damage and untreated health problems are only some of the changes which have impacted many people’s lives. We have been left asking this question, “what next”?

Each day poses the possibility of further uncertainty. We all like to know what lies ahead, to feel in control, yet the ability of anyone, including governments, to provide such assurances has been shown to be limited. Even experts themselves have admitted that certainty cannot be guaranteed. 

Is there any basis then for absolute certainty in life? Can we know “what next”?

Yes, the Bible offers us great confidence for the present and the future.

God, who “is able to do whatever he promises” (Romans 4:21 NLT) and “who cannot lie” (Titus 1:2) has offered each one of us hope of new life found in a relationship with Him. Once gained, this can never be endangered or lost (John 10:28-29).

This offer has its basis in God himself. He is the only being in existence who, in the truest sense, never changes: “I am the Lord, I do not change” (Malachi 3:6). His assurance, that

“God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NIV), is one that we can rely upon.

If we make the decision to trust in Jesus Christ as our Saviour then no matter when or how circumstances change in our world, or in our lives, the Bible promises us that nothing can separate us from God’s love or the eternal life He gives to those who trust Him (Romans 8:39).

Believing in Jesus Christ necessitates a heart change in our attitude towards God and our sins, which the Bible calls repentance. The prospect of this may seem unwelcome but it is essential if we desire the forgiveness and peace that God alone grants us for life, death and eternity.

Whatever we then face in our lives, we do so with newfound life from God knowing we will go to be with Him in heaven once this life ends. This will never change.

With so many uncertainties in life, it is vital to have something we can be absolutely sure of. The incredible message of the Bible is that by trusting in Jesus Christ, we can have this.