Are Vaccines Our Saviour?

COVID-19 is a disease that has inflicted loneliness, sorrow, poverty, or even death on many people.

Are Vaccines Our Saviour?

COVID-19 is a disease that has inflicted loneliness, sorrow, poverty, or even death on many people. Everyone I know has suffered in some way due to this horrible virus. Salvation, many of us believed, would come through vaccines. We were convinced that these would offer a quick way out of the global pandemic.  

There was great optimism when in December 2020 Matt Hancock, then the UK Health Secretary, excitedly announced that “the Oxford Covid vaccine approval shows the way out of the pandemic”. Some 12 months later that bubble of optimism seems to have burst. Maybe we did not read past the headlines to consider the detail, but vaccines have not been the saviour that many believed they would be. 

Although they are helpful, there is no immediate and lasting salvation from the effects of COVID-19 through one, two or even three vaccine jabs.

As we all struggle in this current pandemic it is worth considering a greater Saviour and an eternal salvation that He offers.

Although this world was once “very good” (Genesis 1:31), COVID-19 is just one of the signs that we live in a world that is now far from “very good”. It has brought home to us the fact that we cannot control everything; the course and duration of our life can change quickly. However, diseases and death are not just “bad luck”, rather they can teach us a valuable lesson.

The consequences of mankind’s rebellion or sin against the God who made us are seen in a vast number of ways. The earth itself is described as groaning and suffering (Romans 8:32), awaiting release from its current state. Mankind is plagued with hostility in families, communities, and nations. It suffers disease and death. In summary, we all experience the effects of sin and, unless we are “saved” (rescued from sin’s consequences), we will ultimately receive eternal punishment for our own sins from a holy God.

The great news for the whole world is that there is a Saviour who has secured eternal salvation for all who will receive it. Jesus, the name given to Him from heaven, means “Jehovah is salvation” or “Jehovah, the Saviour”.

“And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).

The one who is God and was with God (John 1:1) became flesh (man) and lived on this earth (John 1:14). He lived a perfect, sinless life but, on the cross, He took the punishment that others deserve, in order that those who confess Him as Lord and trust Him as their Saviour will never be punished. 

His sinless life meant He was perfectly equipped to offer Himself as a substitute for others.

“And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him” (Hebrews 5:9).

God promises that every individual who obeys His Word by trusting in the Lord Jesus alone for salvation will have something that is priceless, completely effective, and everlasting. The Salvation that comes from trusting Jesus Christ is not just an escape from being punished for your sin, it is to be reconciled to God and to commence an eternally satisfying relationship with Him.

You may or may not have taken the COVID vaccine but today I want to ask you if you have trusted the one who offers you eternal salvation. There is no other way to be saved. Today, you must trust in Him alone. There is no need to clean yourself up first. If you place your faith in Him, then you will experience the life-changing work that only He can produce. He is the Saviour you need.