Joy to the World

The final lyrics that we are going to think about in this short series based on lines from Christmas Carols are from this extremely popular one.

Joy to the World

Written in 1719 by English minister and theologian Isaac Watts (1674-1748), you might be surprised to learn that Joy to the World wasn’t originally intended to be a Christmas carol. There are actually very few lyrics in the hymn that have much to do with Christmas at all, at least not explicitly. Watts was writing about the second coming of Christ (yet future), rather than His first, at what is known as Christmas time. Nevertheless, it became a staple hymn of the festive season.

There are many notable lines in the carol, but the one that I want to highlight is found in the very first verse:

Let every heart prepare Him room

Even though this song isn’t explicitly about Christmas, one can’t help but notice the contrast between Watts’ exhortation, and the experience of a heavily pregnant Mary who, along with Joseph, discovered that there was, in fact, no room for them at the inn (Luke 2:7).

These words are an invitation. Although he doesn’t directly use the language of the Bible, Watts nevertheless parallels what the Bible says. There are many passages that could be cited, but one such example is found in John 1:11,12:

“He [Jesus] came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.”

“Preparing Him room” is a synonym for receiving the Lord Jesus Christ, and “receiving” Christ, according to the verse we just read, equates to believing in Him. Not believing about Him – not merely believing facts about Jesus intellectually – but trusting in Him, having confidence that He is truly the Son of God, that His sacrifice on the cross is entirely sufficient for the forgiveness of one’s sins, and that He has been raised from the dead (John 20:31; Romans 10:9).

To use the language of the great carol, when a person trusts in Christ alone, their hearts have prepared Him room; salvation from sin and hell is theirs; joy and peace with a holy God is a reality; and a home in heaven is sure.

So, as you sing or hear sung this well-known carol over the Christmas period, my prayer is that you’ll take seriously the invitation that’s extended to you again, and prepare room in your heart for Christ.